This film is about a special police unit, headed by Inspectors Mazlan and Aleeza, which was set up to battle major crime syndicates dealing in...
Gerak Khas The Movie
The tale begins when Dr. Suzana, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Taib Siron, created a machine named BS21 which is capable of reading people's...
Brainscan: Aku Dan Topi Ajaib
The story is based on a love triangle involving the three lead characters set on a beautiful secluded island. The man who plucks the most coconuts...
No Problem
The film tells the story of three friends MX3 - Masdor (Saiful Apek), Mamat (Faizal Hussein) and Malek (Zul Yahya) who set up the company private...
Beam of desires to make Mak Jah victims. Due to revenge, his daughter also become victims.
This is a film about a Malaysian soldier, Lt. Adnan, who gave his life in defending Malaya from the Japanese invasion during World War II. It...
Leftenan Adnan
Mat Gedebe, a man of violent temper but good moral character. He lives with his mother and sister. No one cares about Mat, he is often left out. One...
Mat Gedebe