A light hearted comedy, from the thirties. One of the most successful ones in Hungary. The ever enchanting story of a beautiful girl falling in love...
The Dream Car
The story takes place in a small village manor-house off Vásárosladány. Sándor leads a quiet life with his wife, son and...
The New Relative
Two old women who happen to be pickpockets stole money from Simon, the taxi driver. The police are unable to find the thieves, so Simon decides to...
The Vulture
An aspiring author and the daughter of a wealthy businessman want to get married. The father of the bride agrees on one condition: his potential...
Dunaparti randevú
The heroes of this crime-comedy attempt to get hold of money by a funny trick. They start operating the new post-office of the housing estate a week...
The Great Post Office Robbery
A man becomes the lover of his former persecutor's wife.
Murderers and Thieves
Lovagias ügy
During the rising of nazism, Sylvia, a rich but sterile woman, needs an heir to inherit her father's money. So she bribes Irene, a Jewish girl, to...
The Inheritance
Struggling artist Feri falls in love with boarding school student Vera. In order for them to be able to meet, Feri's bumbling friend Poznay poses as...
Hetenként egyszer láthatom
When Françoise introduced her fiancé to her parents, she had no idea that, during this family weekend, drama would enter this sumptuous...
À fleur de peau