Tough Chinese detectives go on a mission to Moscow to hunt down ruthless robbers who have been plaguing the trans-Siberian railway with violence and...
Moscow Mission
While a policeman is investigating the discovery of the remains of an apparent murder victim, a single mother is struggling to get her daughter into...
Lu Jie has no idea her husband is leading a double life, until the day she sees him entering a hotel with a young woman. Her world crumbles. A few...
An undercover police officer attempts to take down a drug trafficking syndicate from the inside.
Extraordinary Mission
Li Qi works for a dolphin show, his friend Ren Yu works karaoke on the beach along the coast where they live. When a young woman Bai Ling joins the...
The Taste of Betel Nut
A loser deep in debt tries to use his girlfriend to seduce a rich boss for money.
Fate Express
The epic film is about the 1911 Hunaghua gang uprising and the 72 revolutionaries that were involved.
72 Heroes
Love in Late Autumn
Based on Zhang Muye's novel "Fire God from Jiuhe". The story takes place in the Jiuhe city in the middle of the Republic of China. The thief Qian...
Vulcan - Legend of Jiuhe