The story follows Dawood, who wishes to don the cop uniform right from his childhood. He grows up to be a straight-laced, passionate policeman, who...
IDI: Inspector Dawood Ibrahim
A kind-hearted government employee in his forties, who spends most of his time with youngsters, selflessly intervenes in the problems of his near and...
Rakshadhikari Baiju (Oppu)
Triumph in a local Tug-of-war tourney gifted Shaji Pappan and his gang, a cute but naughty little goat 'Pinky'. Their attempts to dump the goat,...
Zachariayude Garbhinikal is a 2013 Malayalam–language comedy-drama film written and directed by Aneesh Anwar. The film narrates the incidents...
Zachariayude Garbhinikal
Set in the rustic terrains during the late 70s, Arun Kumar Aravind's Kaattu is a slice-of-life tale with lead characters inspired from the short...
Aadu 2 revolves around Shaji Pappan and his group of misfits, who take part in another tug-of-war contest to win the golden cup. But along the way...
Aadu 2
Mandharam begins with the all too familiar trope - the schoolboy who spends his days dreaming about his childhood sweetheart and classmate, who, at...
Cops of Paramedu Police Station encounter a series of events while they are on a mission to improve the image of Kerala Police, by making it people...
Hailing from a traditional goldsmith family, Sanju falls in love with Athira. A series of unfortunate events lead to his unpredictable changes.
Thattassery Koottam
Follows the challenges in the life of a youngster, and events that change his life
Oru Thathvika Avalokanam