The fifth musical adapts the Luxury Liner Arc of the manga. Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his demonic butler Sebastian...
Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania
An aristocratic child forms a contract with a demon to fulfill his wishes and help him take revenge on his parent's murderer. Meanwhile, a string of...
Kuroshitsuji: Lycoris That Blazes the Earth
High school student Ayumi kills herself and leaves behind a cryptic message that says "will be killed by boyfriend." Ayumi's classmates Satomi and...
Cellular Boyfriend
Detective Murakami meets a girl who suffers from memory loss. The girl has special abilities including the ability to talk with the dead. Detective...
England, the 19th Century. The almighty butler Sebastian of the Phantomhive House: the "evil nobles" that are contracted to perform Queen Victoria's...
Kuroshitsuji: The Most Beautiful Death in the World
aka Aquarian Age: The Movie, is based on the popular Japanese CCG (that's collectable card game, for you gaming neophytes), Aquarian Age. The movie...
Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion