The 3 interwoven stories unfold the terrifying Vietnamese urban legends revolving around an ill-fated superstar behind the iconic sugarcane lady...
Vietnamese Horror Story
The content of "The Living Corpse Ferry" revolves around the escape of Cong's (Huynh Dong) group from the outbreak of the epidemic and trying to...
Zombie Ferry Station
The "Jackpot Island - Kumanthong Returns" continues to spread obsession and doubts about one of Southeast Asia's most terrifying divinities. Who is...
Jackpot Island - Kumanthong Returns
The film is about the journey of a group of people living together and trying to escape the pursuit of the undead to reach the last ferry at an isle...
Lost In Mekong Delta
Mắt Biếc (Dreamy Eyes) tells the story of the one-sided love of Ngan for Ha Lan — his childhood friend.
Dreamy Eyes