A former police officer struggles to clear his name after being fired from his impudent job. He returns to his job, but struggles to overcome the...
The Cage
Two zoologists seeking the extinct Anatolian panther search for its traces in the deep forests of Anatolia. Veysel believes the almost mythical...
The life of 35-year-old Murat, who lives with his family in a neighborhood in Istanbul, is turned upside down by the death of his father. The...
Not Your Average Family
Ishak, a wandering musician from a small mountain town. A lynching he was a part of 7 years ago comes back to haunt him as he returns to his town to...
Black Night
Enver is disturbed by the ’smell’ in the building and believes that the new tenants at the basement are the reason. He starts collecting...
Minus One
May 22nd, 1963. Unhappy with the existing social and political situation in Turkey, a group of military officers has planned a coup...
The Announcement
Doctor Kemal is head of a private hospital, is ambitious and has the best intentions for the residents of Istanbul. He is the best candidate for...
You Know Him
Kemal is a guard at an empty villa belonging to a dark businessman outside the city. One night, he finds a book called IDEA, left by someone whose...
The doctor comes across unusual symptoms at the man said to have died of a heart attack when he examined the corpse. He decides to refer the body to...
Chicken Broth Soup