Based on a book by Eric Malpass and directed by Kurt Hoffmann, the film focuses on the everyday life of a German family perceived through the eyes of...
When Sweet Moonlight Is Sleeping in the Hills
The aging writer Aurelio Morelli is disillusioned: although the critics like his books, they are barely read. He develops hatred on youth and their...
The Net
Munich at night: Robert Susmeit, a 16-year-old teenager who is jealously obsessed with his mother Hilde, traces her and her latest lover at a mundane...
Angels Who Burn Their Wings
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Trouble im Penthouse
The Murderer with the Silk Scarf
A crime comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Killer kennen keine Furcht
Die Stadt im Tal
Love Pains
Ein Glas Wasser
Drunter und drüber
A man decided to bury himself alive.
Island - Herzen im Eis
15 years ago Paul Jordan was a star in Hollywood musicals. But then he retired from showbiz and married the rich Joan. Now, after being dependent on...
To the Bitter End
Der gefälschte Sommer
A crime comedy directed by Jirí Menzel, based on a story by Edgar Wallace.
Die Schokoladenschnüffler
Lady Audleys Geheimnis
Hypochondriac Hermann Ladner is invited on a Mediterranean cruise by his late wife's brother, Heinz Wucher. However, Heinz gambles away the money for...
Der Tod aus dem Computer
Utta Danella - Wer küsst den Doc?
Intermezzo für fünf Hände
Rosamunde Pilcher: Blüte des Lebens
Rosamunde Pilcher: Wege der Liebe
Ewald - Rund um die Uhr
In Amt und Würden
The story is about the Munich veterinarian Dr. Georg Rauh and his erotic-amorous relationships with women
Abelard - Die Entmannung
Eine aufregende kleine Frau
Der Fall Angelika
Das Traumpaar
Das Geheimnis der Mittsommernacht
So oder so ist das Leben: Vier Begegnungen in einer Großstadt
A sixteen-year-old girl is selected by a matchmaking computer to become the wife of a 35-year-old star photographer.
Das Weibernest
Ein Mädchen aus zweiter Hand
As an architect Robert Cortin is self-confident, but his private life is shaky. His wife Vera, a gynecologist, cannot have children. They have tried...
Tödliches Leben