Set in an alternate future where Roe v. Wade has been overturned, a depressed Black woman, deals with the culture of fear by channeling her rage into...
The Snakes
An immature, newly unemployed comic must navigate the murky waters of adulthood after her fling with a graduate student results in an unplanned...
Obvious Child
An African immigrant discovers the child soldier who wiped out her family years ago, is now a best selling author living in New York City.
While Maxine is grappling with personal and professional setbacks, her best friend is scheming to have her run for local office in Far Rockaway. As...
La Race
Evangelist Carlton Pearson is ostracized by his church for preaching that there is no Hell.
Come Sunday
Desperate for a breakthrough as she nears the big 4-0, struggling New York City playwright Radha finds inspiration by reinventing herself as a rapper.
The Forty-Year-Old Version