The story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial...
Abraham Ozler
Five friends are disappointed about the way their favorite hangout Malarvaadi Arts Club is headed. They take the responsibility of reviving the club...
Malarvaadi Arts Club
Michael (Fahad Fazil) and Gayatri (Ann Augustine) are classmates at the Fine Arts College. They decide to live together.
“Just married” is the story of a guy who suffers from physical relationship related anxiety. He was some type of a Romeo before getting...
Just Married
Sreeram, an ex NRI, along with few other people, gets involved in an easy money-making plan and finds himself amidst unexpected situations. In this...
Orayiram Kinakkalal
An aspiring pilot fights for her future -- and justice -- after surviving an acid attack from her abusive boyfriend.