The basic plot revolves around drug dealer Limeni and two men, Lemi and Kiza, who are trying to transport their dead grandfather for burial, until...
Frozen Stiff
Story of two sisters that grew up in a small Serbian village in the beginning of the 1930s. The village is torn up by wars and years long blood oath....
Tears for Sale
Belgrade during the height of the war Yugoslavia in 1999. Kaja struggles with daily destruction and the constant threat of being drafted, but also...
Sky Hook
A sergeant officer lives a life of a loner, reads literary classics and dreams about acting. On his journey by train, he madly falls in love with a...
The White Suit
A contemporary historical film reflecting the drama of the profound social changes that the Serbian society underwent at the turn of this century....
The Ambulance
Despot Stefan's hidden treasure is wanted by a secret organization of the Catholic Church, They hire mafia boss and activate agents from all...
The Key
Mačak is the best basketball player around the blocks of New Belgrade. Meanwhile, his friend is bullied by a local gangster Koma, whom he owns...
1 on 1
The start of the Yugoslav civil war forces freshly graduated Mina to choose between being an obedient daughter or escaping abroad with her lover so...
Your Guardian
On the way to his homeland with the intention of committing suicide, the mysterious protagonist encounters two hunters and a bizarre series of events...
Mouth Full of Earth
A young man who masturbates to porn finally becomes sexually active when his sister brings a female tenant to their flat.
Picture of most likely our greatest enemy but motivation as well - ego. Lonely, lost and confused, destructed and abused. How much we really know...
From Love
The film is taking place in Belgrade for 24 hours. Follows a few stories and speaks about young urban characters, their lives, their ideals and...
4 Roses
Husband and wife are going to their vacation cottage to overcome marriage crises, caused by his affair with another woman. In one moment she demands...
Sunset from a Rooftop takes place in Belgrade. While the city is being hit by NATO bombings, Ivana is preparing herself for a night out while telling...
Sunset from a Rooftop
A melancholic comedy dealing with the question „What is freedom?" and focusing on a man who, after a series of big disappointments, is now...
The Living Man