Iraq, 2003. Pablo, a Spanish army doctor sent on a peacekeeping mission, is involved in an attack on his convoy during a routine trip through the...
A black and white silent movie, based on the Snow White fairy tale, that is set in a romantic version of 1920s Seville and centered on a female...
Clara, a mother of two teenagers, is a woman open to new experiences who decides to create a profile on TILINK, a dating app. What goes through the...
Mamá no enRedes
In a near and dystopian future, for reasons unknown, it is impossible to go outside. A couple is forced to live with an unknown family while the...
The Alarm
Three stories intertwine to form a vision of war in a narrative kaleidoscope that transcends space and time. The seven characters of the play will...
Flora and Victor are fun, modern, caring parents. That is, until they decide to get a divorce, and the perfect job opportunity turns up for them....
You Keep the Kids
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