Itami, a young policeman, meets his high school friend, Tetsuo, a gangster, at a roadblock. As they rekindled their friendship, a complex...
Police Officer
A lost film directed by Ushihara Kiyohiko based on a story published in the Mainichi Sunday Newspaper entitled '恋女扇.' It stars a...
Tokutaro is an orphan child who becomes a street candy vendor. He sells candies, humming a song he learned long ago from his mother. One day he met...
Kosuzume Pass
A quintessential example of the period "ghost cat" (bakeneko or kaibyo) movie, this was one of at least six such titles released by the studio Shinko...
The Ghost Cat and the Mysterious Shamisen
A biographical documentary produced as part of the 20th anniversary project of the silent film appreciation society led by Shunsui Matsuda, who was...
King of Swashbuckler: Life of Tsumasaburō Bandō
This is the story of a samurai who falls on hard times due to misunderstandings and follows the plots of his enemies.
A sad love film where the action takes place in Kyoto, in a trading house.
The Feast of Gion
Arima Neko
Daikatsugeki Sôtô
This is a classic Japanese Ghost Story.
Yotsuya Kaidan