The story centers around Nathaniel Nucci, who leaves the military when his wife becomes pregnant hoping to lead a "normal" life. All is well for 13...
Sacrum Vindictae
Alice Oldman is an ex-con struggling to overcome the scars from her past. Then one night a dark stranger gives her an offer she cannot refuse. Make...
Alice and the Vampire Queen
During their first Halloween in their new home, Travis and Beth encounter an unexpected trick or treater.
Trick or Treat!
A promising novelist finds himself trapped in a terrifying reality as he reckons with the notion that a murderer is in his midst.
By Deception
A small town farmer exacts his bloody revenge on unscrupulous town folk who try to steal his land.
Hayride to Hell
Best friends, Joan and Margot, have a heartbreaking falling out. Estranged from each other, Joan tries desperately to move on.
Empty Pockets
When Sean returns home for summer break after his freshman year at college, he immediately reconnects with all his old high school friends for an...
All American Boy
Mary thinks there is a demonic presence in her and her boyfriend Chuck's home, so she enlists the help of a spirit board in search of answers....
Following a harrowing incident in LA, writer Ava retreats to a remote cabin in the woods of Bucks County to escape, but the longer she stays, the...
Bank Robbers crash their getaway car in the path of a tornado and all the money gets sucked into a funnel cloud. Two scientists rescue the robbers...
Cash Storm