The acclaimed drama based on Dalene Matthee´s award-winning novel. "Fiela se Kind" (Fiela's Child) is the story of a white foundling boy that...
Fiela's Child
Set in Cape Town, South Africa Mama Jack is the story of Jack Theron, an ordinary person working on a film set. However, his movie producer boss...
Mama Jack
Rebecca Dreyer (Karen Zoid) is almost forty, lives with her mother (Marie du Toit) and works in a café in a small Karoo town. To escape her...
Susanna van Biljon
Jimmy in Pienk is a quirky comedy about Jimmy Bester, a rugged seventh generation "mielie" farmer. Jimmy’s father suddenly dies in a freak...
Jimmy in Pink
Niek and Joe share a history and a secret from their time together in the Angola War in the late 80s. Today, Niek and Joe work for TJ Mokoena, but...
Egoli: The Movie
Walter du Toit is the secret agent known "Agent 2000". He is hired to find the bully terrorizing the school, known only as the Laksman (The...
Agent 2000
Dolf is a regular guy from a modest background in Knysna. He is content with his normal small town existence, his group of friends and his eccentric...
Treurgrond tells the painful story of a farming community in South Africa trying to survive the numerous farm attacks confronting farmers almost...
An Afrikaans film. Two women, two murders. One homicide reflects the ultimate act of self-centredness, the other the greatest selfless act of them...
Two Degrees of Murder
At the age of 8, Vaselinetjie is taken away by the Welfare and send to the orphanage. It's a strange, hard, dangerous world of rebel children, fierce...
Snaaks Genoeg (Funny Enough) is an entertaining and poignant dark comedy, which explores the pain inflicted by humour on the average human being. ...
Snaaks Genoeg
The Comedy Central Roast of Steve Hofmeyr, Comedy Central's first ever African "Roast" featured the roasting of controversial public figure, Steve...
Comedy Central Roast of Steve Hofmeyr
A young bride's dream day turns into her worst nightmare. A tale about Tanya Stark, a young woman who's biological clock is ticking towards...
Tessa walks through the small fishing community in her wedding dress every year on the night of the nineteenth, since she was raped on the eve of her...
Nag van die 19de
A love letter to hair on the Cape Flats
Swirl: A Letter to Hair on the Cape Flats