Naive yet kind Bob moves to a new apartment and falls in love with a peculiar woman named Maya. Maya who lives with her sister, harbours a secret and...
Tolong! Awek Aku Pontianak
Azlan (Saiful Apek), a chalet worker in Bagan Lalang, receives an envelope requesting him to go to a law firm in Kuala Lumpur. Upon arrival, he is...
4 Madu
Three individuals in the city learn the meaning of love, loss and loneliness in this romantic drama. Adam, a successful young chef, expends his...
Putri is determined to win back her sports-mad ex-boyfriend, Eddy by turning into a futsal heroine herself. Facing prejudice and ridicule, and...
Gol & Gincu
The story is about a superstar Wulan are not allowed to marry as long as they are under contract with a record company. But it turns Wulan is already...
Tipu Kanan Tipu Kiri
Plot unknown
Mona from Medan came to Katty`s house to become a housekeeper. After a while, Mona feels like there is something strange about her employer. Things...
Kamar Seksa
Gol & Gincu Vol. 2 tells a story about Zakiah (Zak) and Zakiah (Yaya) who are two self-centered University students with the same name but very...
Gol & Gincu Vol. 2
An elderly woman moves in with her son and his wife, only to be ill-treated
Warkah Syurga
RAMZI, a magazine photographer who is often assigned to photograph beautiful, attractive and "happy go lucky" female models even though she looks...
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