Based on the tragic 1996 Mt. Everest disaster, the opera focuses on three climbers as they attempt the ill-fated summit. A new genre, the animated...
Everest – A Graphic Novel Opera
This deliciously dark take on the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tale, appealing to audiences of all ages, was part of the Met’s popular...
The Metropolitan Opera: Hansel and Gretel
One of today’s most compelling singing actresses, Karita Mattila takes on the irresistible role of Manon Lescaut, the headstrong young woman...
Manon Lescaut – The Met
John Adams’s mesmerizing score, in the powerful production of Penny Woolcock, tells the story of one of the pivotal moments in human...
Adams: Doctor Atomic
Witness the fall of Troy and the rise of an even greater nation in Hector Berlioz’s monumental five-part epic The Trojans. Opera legend Susan...
Les Troyens - San Francisco Opera
It is love at first sight when the knight Walther von Stolzing first meets the goldsmith’s daughter, Eva. But tradition trumps love in...
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg - The San Francisco Opera