When American author Nicholas brings in a cosmetologist named Kika to prepare the corpse of his recently deceased son, she inadvertently revives the...
Mommy's boy Juantxo is engaged. Dragged to the party by his friends Konradin and Paco, he loses his expensive wedding ring inside the body of a...
Waging war against all things glamorous and beautiful, crippled terrorists Acción Mutante plot a series of attacks on society's elite, and...
Mutant Action
Luis must pass himself off as a woman when he is discovered at the home of one of his lovers. In his role as a woman he meets another woman, with...
Corazón de bombón
Esta noche, no
A radio-show assistant meets a budding screenwriter during a group-therapy session for sex addicts.
Between Your Legs
Somebody has decided to celebrate New Year's Eve 2011 in a very twisted way - by dressing as a nun and brutally dismembering a little old lady. Lt....
The Ugliest Woman in the World
Carlota works as an ambulance driver for the SAMUR. She becomes infatuated with porno-comic artist Number One, whom she meets after the latter...
Nada en la nevera
Puro veneno
After trying a job as a stripper in a Barcelona carnival, Eva (Aure Attika) is ready for something new, so she heads over to France and becomes the...
Sam's Enough