PRIVACY is a psychological thriller set in and out of Mumbai slums. It follows the story of Roopali, who works at the Mumbai surveillance camera...
In the year 2003, three teenagers: a cynical brat Adnan, an aspirational Chandrika, and a reticent Rathore come together to forge not just a...
Three Legged Horse
A film about social norms, generation gaps, second chances and the tough choices that parents make for their children and sometimes when children...
& Jara Hatke
A diverse group of six pregnant women, who are on their way to becoming mothers but are plagued by misconceptions, confusion, and questions about...
Wonder Women
Poles apart, Mahima and Mahendra find a unifying force in the form of cricket. While one Mahi (Mahendra) is grappling to come to terms with his dream...
Mr. & Mrs. Mahi
In the suburbs of Mumbai, a young couple tries to catch some private time in a very public place, when they're paid a visit by the moral police.
The film is a spontaneous response to the irony of “STAY HOME, STAY SAFE” for millions of women in India and around the world. The film...
Listen To Her
After losing her baby in a failed delivery(still birth), Aasawari withdraws to her ancestral home in a remote konkan village. Her struggle to...