Captain Eager is resurrected by the sprawling galactic corporation MacroSpace. His mission is to investigate the villainous Colonel Regamun, a...
Captain Eager and the Mark of Voth
Angela Rippon presents a guide to some of the Eurovision Song Contest's most disastrous moments. Including the kiss that ruined the chances of Danish...
When Eurovision Goes Horribly Wrong
A celebrity audience pays tribute to the inimitable Freddie Starr, one of Britain's zaniest comedians.
An Audience with Freddie Starr
Looking back to the 1980's at the celebrities in the press and on television for all the wrong reasons doing all the wrong things. It doesn't matter...
Most Shocking Celebrity Moments of the 80s
The film features clips looking at the successes, upsets and moments that caused drama in different talent shows.
20 Moments That Rocked Talent Shows
The story of how the introduction of breakfast television to the UK in 1983 led to a fierce battle for viewers between the BBC and ITV.
The Battle for Britain's Breakfast