24 follows the journey of a deceased sound recordist through twenty-four diverse environments after his death. These include a forest, a theatre, a...
From Crazy Rich Asians (2018) to 12 Storeys (1997) to Sumpah Pontianak (The Curse of Pontianak) (1957), Singapore’s film industry is a diverse...
Singapore Cinema: Between Takes
An award winning short with a hyper-kinetic, mind-bending foray into the world of adolescent Singaporean boys. '15': The Short; mixes documentary...
Two Singaporean girls join together to form the Papaya Sisters, a getai group that sings at performances during the seventh lunar month. Big Papaya...
Three tales of love wrap around the true story of a blind and deaf woman named Theresa Chan. In the first an elderly shopkeeper is devoted to his...
Be with Me
The Teenage Textbook Movie is a film adaptation of Adrian Tan's bestselling 1988 novel The Teenage Textbook. It is a lighthearted look at the lives...
The Teenage Textbook Movie