Laura, a heartbroken teenager from Santiago is on holiday in the southern Chilean archipelago of Chiloé with friends. As she wanders the...
Land Tides
A group of people gather for a family reunion in a house on an isolated island. They are waiting for the last person to join them, but as the evening...
The Island
Featuring seven stories from seven auteurs from around the world, the film chronicles this unprecedented moment in time, and is a true love letter to...
The Year of the Everlasting Storm
Jaime, who’s been away from the city by his own free will, invites his family to watch an eclipse at his house on the mountains. The tensions...
An actress travels to Lisbon representing a film where she has a secondary role, regarding nobody else was available to go. In the Q&A in the...
Los Barcos
As she and her family embark on a short vacation, a young Chilean girl slowly comes to the realization that her parents might be splitting up.
Thursday Till Sunday