This short film recreates the story of David Thompson – a man who, over the course of his lifetime, mapped a-million-and-a-half square miles of...
David Thompson: The Great Mapmaker
A martian comes to a small town in Quebec and becomes friends with the town children. He gives them candy to get the children into his spacecraft....
The Christmas Martian
From newborn pups to working dogs to furry movie stars, cute pooches of all breeds abound in this film that explores the delightful world of canines.
Precious Pupp
In 1837, in Quebec, against a historical backdrop of rebellion against the English, we follow the sentimental drama of Simon de Bellefeuille and...
A Few Acres of Snow
A humanity student, Lucien is active in various extracurricular activities. Recognized by his peers, he represents other students in their challenge...
The story is of a young man, Stevens, who returns to his native village after a five year exile caused by a violent quarrel with his father. The...
In the Shadow of the Wind
A doctor living in a small mining town discovers that his dissatisfied young wife is having an affair with a truck driver.
Poussière sur la ville