Once upon a time, in a beautiful ancient kingdom, a reluctant prince organises a royal ball in order to select a wife. The events which follow, bring...
Everyone in the Osayande family worries about Isoken. Although she has what appears to be a perfect life - beautiful, successful and surrounded by...
A prostitute wakes up to find she has been abducted and struggles to bond with her captors and plot her escape.
Femi the “Femi-nist” is a renowned Casanova with a 100% record. His latest target has an irresistable bounty but with a significant...
The Femi-Nist
An 8-year-old girl with an ability to sense danger gets ejected from Sunday school service. She unwittingly witnesses the underbelly in and around a...
A man and a woman in Lagos want to escape their everyday lives, but extricating themselves is no easy task. Two stories narrated with tenderness and...
Eyimofe (This Is My Desire)