An imaginative and somewhat disturbed young girl fantasizes about evil creatures and other oddities to mask her insecurities while growing up in...
In New South Wales, Jared surfs with his mates and has a first girl. He hosts a beach party for his older pal, Ricko, and witnesses four of his mates...
A hand-warming tale of love, incest and death. Be warned no film called Oedipus can ever end happily.
Violet, a feisty 15 year-old who prefers the nickname "Scooter" , decides to run away from her boring life in a small town and goes to visit with the...
Violet's Visit
The love story between an Australian woman and a Balinese dancer.
Shadows of the Peacock
Seymour is a loner. A small, shy, introverted eleven year old whose parents are separated. By chance Seymour meets the beautiful, effervescent but...
Say a Little Prayer
A collection of four award-winning psychological thrillers full of surreal surprises and mysterious atmosphere. A girl hitchhiking on a deserted road...
Face Your Fears: Thriller Shorts for Adults
A teenage hitchhiker traverses a lonely mountain highway and begins to pick a mysterious radio broadcast rife with ominous reports of the near future.
A heartwarming urban adventure following straight-laced Leah as she meets an unpredictable stranger and falls back in love … with life.
Skin Deep
In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of children move from one uncertain world to another in their quest for sanctuary.
Doom Runners
Follows a boy who realizes there is more to being a clown, than just clowning around.
Clowning Around
An eccentric marketing guru visits a Coca-Cola subsidiary in Australia to try and increase market penetration. He finds zero penetration in a valley...
The Coca-Cola Kid