The life and career of Brazilian singer Chorão, Charlie Brown Jr's frontman. The story of one of the most important rock stars in Brazil, from...
Outcast Rockstar
Discover the history of the Chic Show ball, an iconic black music party in São Paulo. The event was a milestone in the life of São...
Chic Show
Gerson King Combo – O filme
Mauro Mateus dos Santos was known by another name: Sabotage. Growing up amidst poverty in São Paulo, the musician, who became a legend after...
Sabotage: Maestro do Canão
The documentary tells the Corinthians passion through one of his most famous moments, when the team, who was 23 years without a title, won the...
23 Anos em 7 Segundos
Jair Rodrigues, the portrait of an artist from a Brazil so close and yet so distant.
Jair Rodrigues - Let Them Talk