On a break from his pushy girlfriend, a male falls for the sister of his employer. Based in Malad West, Mumbai, Sameer lives a middle-classed...
Meet 17-year-old Hala, who struggles to balance being a suburban teenager with her traditional Muslim upbringing. As she comes into her own, Hala...
Fully Faltu MTV version Genre : Comedy, Spoof Cast : Sumeet Raghavan, Benika Deepak, Ajay Gehi, Purbi Joshi, Gaurav Chopra Movie : Ghoom 2006 Remake...
A man who loves to make "to-do lists" makes one last bucket list when he realizes he is about to die.
A romantic thriller film directed by Sandeep Janardan, starring Rohith Bhanuprakash, Divya Uruduga and Purvi Joshi in the lead roles.
Face 2 Face
Present Day Bombay, India, four friends, a suicide, a birth, and a death all on a good Friday.
The Good Friday