The lives of three people are intertwined with love, between a widowed mother with a stepdaughter, Pat, a junior and senior artist, and Chidchua. It...
The Last Love
"We Are Here" is a Sci-Fi Horror film about “Eve” a girl who survived an attack which murdered her parents. She was adopted by American...
We Are Here
After completing a covert mission in southern Thailand, CIA agent Gunja finds herself forced to fight off operatives who've been ordered to take her...
The Vanquisher
While studying caves, a group of geologists leaded by Professor Maeda is attacked by gecko fiends that possess their bodies transforming them into...
Lizard Woman
Thai Town is a six-block area near Hollywood, Los Angeles, which is home to over 50,000 expatriated Thais. The town is such a gateway for Thais...
Province 77
A Thai comedy about two lazy, quirky bikers who discover than an alien has infested Thailand. The buddies find themselves reluctant heroes when they...
How They Save the World!