The lives of three strangers in Santo Domingo, a girl from high society, a lonesome alcoholic cop and a drag queen cabaret performer; interwine on...
Uncle and nephew try to recover their lands from a corrupt casino owner. A farmer is pressured to pay his gambling son's huge debt. Both problems...
The Trap
A group of professionals attend a job interview for a very lucrative position within one of the largest multinational companies in the world. Upon...
El Método
Carta Blanca
The life of Dominican comedian, writer, TV producer and philanthropist Freddy Beras-Goico.
Love runs out in a third-world family when they find out their son, a baseball player, is gay.
Juego de hombre
After an accident, a motorcycle racer falls into a coma, causing hopes and intrigues in those close to him.
Coma Profundo
A rapturous crime fable set in the Dominican Republic, Nelson Carlo De Los Santos Arias’ COCOTE follows Alberto, a kind-hearted gardener...
The origin and rise of the most famous Dominican wrestler of all time, Rafael Sánchez aka Jack Veneno, and his arch-nemesis, José...
In the border town of Malpaso: Braulio works with his grandfather while his twin, Candido, remains secluded due to his albinism. After their...
After a disastrous attempt of marriage proposal, Juan Manuel's life has collapsed. But his friends try to help him with the aid of an unconventional...
No es lo que parece
Las Pequeñas Cosas