This comedy of errors revolves around a hapless 30-year-old named Arturo. His penchant for indiscretions is as impossible to overlook as the finesse...
About Thirty
After a brutal loss, Sofia comes out of her thoughts to face an unbearable pain.
In 2006, a group of thieves performed what is considered one of the most famous and smart bank heists in the history of Argentina. How they robbed...
The Heist of the Century
The New Life
Taking a breather from the crisis of her marriage, a surgeon named Celina visits the country house of an old friend who she hasn't seen since their...
Some Girls
Convinced the tragic deaths of her loved ones were orchestrated by a famous novelist she worked for, Luciana turns to a journalist to expose her...
The Wrath of God
A couple of thirty-somethings struggling with life, marriage, work, a kid and a new bought house outside the city.
Aire libre
A man and his girlfriend are invited to a fancy dinner. They don’t know any of the other guests, who behave strangely. What is the true purpose...
A young woman's desperate search for her abducted boyfriend draws her into the infamous Colonia Dignidad, a sect nobody ever escaped from.
After receiving bad news, Natalia, a young novice, returns home, where her sister Ángela asks her to travel with her and her friends to a...
She is surprised in the pool with the presence of a young man who mysteriously disappears. She is seduced by him but discovers that she belongs to a...