Based on a true story, this compelling film follows Sandra and Valentina, two former nuns whose paths intertwine years after shared trauma. As they...
Let's Take a Walk, Valentina
A police officer gets involved in a very peculiar case when he discovers he shares his name with the main suspect.
The Incomplete Man
Carmelo, who is 30-years old and extremely shy, finds it difficult to reveal his innermost feelings to Verónica, his co-worker. Carmelo's...
Argentinian film which tells the story of Diego, a 20-year-old guy who is given a mysterious recording camera, but he doesn't even imagine what he is...
Déjala correr
Epecuén was one of the most important touristic villages of Argentina. Thousands of people concurred, attracted by the healing properties of...
What the Waters Left Behind
Two altar boys that live in a small church in the middle of the jungle. They grew under the tutelage of Father Roberto, an elderly priest who was...
The Heavenly Plan
Helmut has been working as a private investigator in San José for almost ten years. One night he receives a call from his ex-partner: their...