Thirteen-year-old Daniel lives with his older brother and terminally ill father in a village plagued by rural exodus. There, the young people live...
After living in a psychiatric hospital for many years, Winkler knows how to play by the rules. His behavior is perfectly adapted to the daily routine...
Goldener Reiter
Children's book author Heinrich is confronted with absurd situations in a cold berlin night.
Down Down Down
Die Ampel
Helen tries to do everything right, but the customers are not interested in the middle-aged woman in the sausage grill. As the straps cut deeper and...
Beat On The Brat
Desperate to keep custody of his daughter, a mixed martial arts fighter abandons a big match and races across Berlin to attend her birthday party.
Sixty Minutes
Jenny and her boyfriend Bolle are expecting a child. This triggers ambivalent feelings in Jenny. She has clashed with the law and the youth welfare...
Wolfsland - 20 Stunden
Friends Toro and Victor struggle with drug addiction and male prostitution in a hostile environment. When they lose all their money, their...
Milo works as a bartender in Berlin and one night gets to know his dream woman Sunny through a series of coincidences. The two meet for a date, but...
When terrorists try to seize control of a Berlin-Paris flight, a soft-spoken young American co-pilot struggles to save the lives of the passengers...
A laundromat at night. A woman asks a stranger to try on her husband's shirt, fearing that it has shrunk. As she asks him to rehearse the reunion...
The Rehearsal
When the grieving student Patricia finally wanted to contact her deceased grandmother via the Ouija board at the scene of the accident, an uninvited...
Mourning Rites