Paul as a young boy witnessed the notorious hit man “The Snake” kill a few lowlifes and since that moment he has dedicated his life to...
Sensitive New-Age Killer
In a time of misery and fear two enemies come together to prevent an apocalypse conspired by their leaders. 40 years of war between the Federated...
Zone 39
David, an orderly at a hospital, tells his horrific story of being kidnapped and forced to play a vile game of survival.
Predestination chronicles the life of a Temporal Agent sent on an intricate series of time-travel journeys designed to prevent future killers from...
The front row ticket to an anarchistic rampage of death and destruction. First turned on during a home invasion, the gang's video camera never lets...
Razor Eaters
A young woman battles to survive the night at an isolated country house besieged by people afflicted with a mysterious and deadly condition.
After a robbery gone wrong, three criminals turn against each other and embark on a blood-soaked bullet-riddled quest for cash and revenge. An...
A Bullet in the Arse
Twenty something trust fund kid Anthony Patch and his party girl wife Gloria Gilbert are disinherited by their wealthy benefactor grandfather and...
The Beautiful and Damned
An affluent married couple return home to find that there house has been violated. But there horror really when they discover that the intruder is...
The Intruder
Three vampires wander the streets of Melbourne killing, screwing and taking drugs. They decide to carry out a heist, stealing three million and...
Frank Vaughan is a debt collector pushed to breaking point. In a frenzy of revenge, he tracks down the priests who abused him in boarding school and...
The Debt Collector