The film is inspired by the ancient Chinese book "Yi Jian Zhi." It tells the story of Sun Tianyi, who was forced to live in the ancestral house that...
Failure Ghost Remember
In order to stop the demon Rakshasa from descending into the world and overturning it into an icy purgatory, Huihai, a disciple of Shaolin Temple,...
Shaolin Conquering Demons
Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, the world was plagued by a scourge – a giant snake with nine heads and a golden body. Often...
Snaker in Golden
This tells the story of Lu Dong Bin, who was imprisoned in the mortal world. After arriving in the mortal world, he took a boat to find Bai Ying to...
Journey Of East
No-Sexual Master
Fairy Fox Hunt
Tang Mo is driven down to the mortal world by the God of Heaven and becomes a chef in a stall. One day, a mysterious old man invites him to...
The King of Cookery
Pest exterminators Ah Fat and Uncle Sam are commissioned by the Regent Hotel to exterminate all rats in building. When the lizards are brought to the...
Nowhere To Hide