In the untamed West of Victorian-era America, a drifter takes a job as a barman in a small town. After a series of bizarre deaths, he soon finds...
Ghost Town
A gang war between a gang and the mafia escalates and claims numerous victims on both sides.
Exit to Hell
When Collin Bastrow is found in the forest, alone and afraid, he has a shocking story to tell. As he struggles to recount the events of the previous...
The Encounter
When Kirby Lane's SUV breaks down in the middle of the desert, she must overcome the dehydration, coyotes, and lurking undead to find her way home.
Breakdown Lane
After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long...
The Covenant
A newly paralyzed DJ gets more than he bargained for when he seeks out the world of faith healing.
Sympathy for Delicious
The first World War rages on when a group of American soldiers find a mysterious artifact that can summon the ancient evil of the Krampus. After the...
Krampus Origins
Vastly different lives and perspectives become intertwined after a police officer suffering from reoccurring PTSD mistakenly shoots a deaf...
The System
A trail of revenge leads a notorious killer and a lawman to a town of fanatics.
Eminence Hill