An interracial couple faces social tensions in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The film follows the perspective of...
A young woman seeks to rebuild her life when she takes work at an antique store. She regains her confidence from the kind souls who own the shop,...
Rare Objects
Tyler joins his friend on a trip to the Catskills for a weekend birthday party with several people he doesn’t know. As soon as they get there,...
Bearing the weight of social obligation, Mel attends her baby shower.
A once-abused woman devotes herself to ridding victims of their domestic abusers while hunting down the one she must kill to be truly free.
A Vigilante
The Bit Player tells the story of an overlooked genius, Claude Shannon (the "Father of Information Theory"), who revolutionized the world, but never...
The Bit Player
Set in VA during the 1940's Forever is a short fantasy film that follows an interracial couple who fall victim to a hate crime and miraculously...