A handsome young stud rides his motorcycle through a myriad of sexual encounters, from a soccer game’s locker room to a dreamy and unsettling...
Equation to an Unknown
Disguising himself as a geisha and introducing himself as Madame Mufiko, a certain Max Fox opens a school in Paris where he proposes to teach the...
Love School
Between 1975 and 1983 a new kind of film could be seen in French cinema : home-grown gay pornography. The films were shot in 16mm and most of them...
Mondo Homo: A Study of French Gay Porn in the '70s
Patrick, a young soldier in the French Foreign Legion wants to see his secret gay lover, so he lies to his Commanding Officer and tells him he needs...
Men Between Themselves
When a French kid leaves home for the first time, he's at the mercy of every hot number he meets.
Young Prey