Two parallel tales of redemption, a century apart. In the New York storyline, Edge hunts for Angela's gold to pay back a debt, and gradually grows...
Urban drama about ordinary people in a period of transition.
Asja, a 45-year-old single woman living in Sarajevo, meets Zoran, a 46-year-old banker, at a dating event. Zoran is not there looking for love...
The Happiest Man in the World
An ailing communist reflects on a young boy childhood in Stalinist Yugoslavia.
The Great Water
On the day before Easter 2012, the bodies of four teenagers were found by the edge of a lake just outside Skopje. The bodies had been lined up, each...
When the Day Had No Name
Burdened by memories of their late father, three sisters struggle to escape the suffocating environment of the dying town of Veles. A contemporary...
I am from Titov Veles
A group of friends unintentionally kidnap the Prime Minister of the country.
When 16-year-old Damjan gets jumped by neighborhood hooligans, his hardheaded mother comes up with a plan to protect him.
I'm Calling Your Father
A harsh dose of cinematic realism about a harsh time – the Bosnian War of the 1990s – Juanita Wilson's drama is taken from true stories...
As If I Am Not There