After a father is given recordings from a mysterious stranger, he starts to receive communications from his deceased daughter. While he tries to...
A young woman leaves the sanitarium to watch over her grandmother's house. As she descends into madness, she must decide whether to be devoured or...
When Stargirl's mother is hired as the costume designer on a movie, they relocate to L.A., where Stargirl quickly becomes involved with an eclectic...
Hollywood Stargirl
This feature film tells the true story of Charles S. Gilpin; the first black star on Broadway and his leading role in Eugene O'Neill's controversial...
The Black Emperor of Broadway
Two couples rent a secluded house for a weekend getaway, and encounter an odd caretaker while facing a dangerous secret.
The Stay
A couple quarantined across the country from one another during a pandemic are unsure if the strange events happening around them are side effects of...