A young writer named Espen Arnakke tells the story of his escape from the small Danish town of Jante. Espen boards a ship headed to Newfoundland, but...
Misery Harbour
A grief-stricken dysfunctional family goes camping.
An amusing coming of age tale from Lotte Svendsen's Max-universe. Now 14, Max is about to decide on an internship and is finding it difficult to...
Max Embarrasing 2
Siblings Valdemar and Sille meetings scientist Benedict and his time machine. With one begins an exciting but perilous journey back into the history...
Timetrip: The Curse of the Viking Witch
Majas løfte
The slightly self-indulgent artist Thorvald collapses during an interview made in celebration of his 80th birthday and dies shortly after. But in...
Never Again a Tomorrow
William's father is dead and his mother is mentally ill, so he lives with his uncle Nils. Nils is on early retirement, making money by buying things...
I am William
Under overfladen
Anne has given up trying to find a man who will fit into her sensible and controlled life. Therefore she has chosen to become pregnant with an...
Almost Perfect
13-year-old Benjamin discovers that his mother didn’t die in an accident as he was led to believe. The trail leads to high-ranking officials in...
The comedy 'Ninna' is about the title character, who lives with her son Dennis in Præstø, where she also works at the local takeaway. ...
Ella seeks out her ex-boyfriend Ernst, who works as a private in a small military base. She wants him home. But Ernst faces a seemingly significant...