Set on the coastal town of Dungeness, skeletons tells the story of Rose, an aging sex line worker, who attempts to escapes a loveless marriage after...
The remarkable true story of Major Denis Rake MC. An openly gay theatre actor recruited by Churchill’s Special Operations Executive to spy on...
For Queen and Country
A collection of short stories showcasing the wide variety of evil behavior human beings are capable of.
Foul Evil Deeds
A journalist desperately tries to find his missing fiancee and finally uncover the truth behind a sinister folklore, leading him down a dangerous...
Blood Myth
A gritty prison scene between two rival inmates in a cell that could be more sinister then the inmates.
Archosargus Probatocephalus
15 years after a global apocalypse, mankind is on the verge of extinction. Civilisation no longer exists, food is scarce and most eke out a living by...
Edge of Extinction
A fairy tale. Set in a gay sauna. With zombies.
Sauna the Dead: A Fairy Tale