Set in the frozen steppes of Mongolia, a young nomad is confronted with his destiny after animals fall victim to a plague which threatens to...
The story revolves around a woman who was raped by many men and goes on a rampage like a tigress, then chooses the way of a prostitute to take...
Woman move
Set in the 15th century after the collapse of Genghis Khan's empire, and follows Mandoukhai from her youth when she's forced to marry the new ruler...
Mandoukhai the Wise: Episode 1 - Mandoukhai is called
Mandoukhai the Wise: Episode 3 - Mandoukhai the Wise
Mandoukhai the Wise: Episode 2 - Mandoukhai the Wise
Mandoukhai the Wise: Episode 4
During the socialist society, the mentality of using people in the agricultural sector as brothers, and then, disregarding the love of young people,...
Time to Come
It tells about the heroism of Chingunjav (1710-1757), one of the leaders of the armed uprising for the independence of the Mongolian people in...
Shadar Van
2,000 years ago, two families escaped from the conflict between Mongolia and Turkic provinces and were forced into the Ergune-Kun gorge, where there...
Ergenekon's legend