The film, based on a Jean Stelli sroty, tells the adventures of a lieutenant of marines and the mystery of the ship explosion caused by a spy network.
Angels are My Witnesses
A love story
Miras Uğrunda
Yaprak Dökümü
Seeking justice of a man who went to jail after his friends blamed him.
İntikam Alevi
Man From Hell
Two brothers fall in love with the same girl and a rivalry develops between them.
They Paid with Their Blood
A film adaptation of André Gide's book The Pastoral Symphony.
You Were the One I Loved
Ateş Rıza
İzmir Ateşler İçinde
Directed by Memduh Ün
The Broken Pots
Ateş Bacayı Sardı
Vahşi İntikam
The Death Curtain
Hicran Yarası