Agent Vinod sets out on a secret mission to find the reason behind the death of Rajan, his colleague. Terror strikes when he unfolds an even bigger...
Agent Vinod
Majaz- Ae Gham-e-Dil Kya Karun is a biopic on the life of Asrarul Haq Majaz Lakhnavi. This film depicts the story of a poet and his throes with...
Majaz: Ae Gham-e-Dil Kya Karun
A young mute girl from Pakistan loses herself in India with no way to head back. A devoted man with a magnanimous spirit undertakes the task to get...
Bajrangi Bhaijaan
In the misty town of Manali, ACP Ashwini Dixit attempts to solve a series of mysterious murders happening in a single night, which might be connected...
Vodka Diaries
A young man returns to Kashmir after his father's disappearance to confront his uncle - the man he suspects to have a role in his father's fate.