As a young child, Hana loses her family to a devastating tsunami that wipes out her town. At a shelter, distant relative Jungo sees her wandering and...
My Man
Yusuke was a middle school teacher. but he quit his job due to problems with student bullying. After he quit, Yusuke learned that the bullied student...
Hotel Copain
Kako (Fumi Nikaido) is a female high school student. She lives at a restaurant run by her family in Kitashinagawa, Tokyo. Unexpectedly, Kako's aunt,...
Kako: My Sullen Past
A high school girl, Sayaka Kudō was the bottom of the class. After a year, she improved her deviation value from 30 to 70, then passed Keio...
Flying Colors
There was a tragedy that began at the end of the '69 war. The sad story about the lives of the orphans of Manchuria refugee camp who had to struggled...
A Far Promise