One day, a young man from a rural area came to Tokyo with the aim of attending university, and suddenly he wrote about the incident. Using this as a...
Wakazuma jokôsei: Renzoku bôkô
BDSM erotic-drama distributed by Nikkatsu for home video.
OL Mayumi Hoshino: Shaved Hair Whipping Torture
A gay couple is on good terms with each other. They run a shot bar together and are enjoying their love. Their father was also once a lover, and they...
Our Season
15 women returning from a meeting see a pregnant woman being raped by three men. They simply walk away. The woman loses her unborn infant and commits...
Serial Rape of 15 Women
Chikan Densha: Motto Sawatte!
On a stormy night, two couples are having a lively SM conversation at a literature professor's mansion. Late at night, Nami was visiting her...
Nami Matsukawa's Tied Crazy Flower Core