Drama/Comedy set in a refugee camp in occupied Austria after World War II. A shrewd multi-lingual interpreter who mediates between Russian and...
Before Winter Comes
Having left her husband, Hilary moves in with her unbalanced brother, Pink, who uses wit and humor to hide his amorous yearnings.
Brotherly Love
Following a triple professional hit a U.S. agent, Paul Sherman, arrives in Amsterdam to investigate a heroin smuggling ring. He finds a city rife...
Puppet on a Chain
In a small Jewish community in a pre-Revolutionary Russian village, a poor milkman, determined to find good husbands for his five daughters, consults...
Fiddler on the Roof
In 1941, two Polish brothers escape a Soviet gulag. Their only escape route is through the impossible mountains of Afghanistan and the KGB is on...
The Desperate Ones
An eccentric Jewish writer is drawn into the world of an apparantly delusional young woman and her invalid father
The Cafeteria