Siblings Dolores and Isaac were known as the town's prostitutes But when a corrupt police officer holds them captive, they are forced to make a young...
In a bid for redemption, an Ex-Special Forces security guard attempts to save the life of a woman who is being hunted by a corrupt police death squad...
A rich man leaves all his wealth to his most loved ex. But at his wake, five exes pay their respects by sharing their wild and naughty moments. Who...
5 in 1
Abie mourns after the death of Michael. She finds solace from her supposedly soon-to-be father-in-law, Roldan, and starts falling for him. But when...
A policewoman investigates the series of killings that happened to women of Santa Monica and her main suspect is the new priest, Father Purificacion.
A film about Andres Bonifacio.
A faithless Filipino American FBI agent comes to the Philippines to bury his estranged Father but gets tangled in a case where a serial killer is...
Way of the Cross
Adela, a married woman, suffers from split personality disorder. Her alter ego, Lena, is a promiscuous woman. Things turn chaotic when her alter ago...
Kara Krus
An old man Lando (Ronnie Lazaro) has buried something under his house. When he is finished, he encounters a group of white people. The chieftain...
Shake, Rattle & Roll 13
Brenda, a top agent in a BPO company, is always overlooked for promotion. But not this time; as she gets more than intimate with her TL. Is her long...
Marinduque, an island province in the Philippines 172 kilometers south of Manila, is where the largest mining disaster in the country’s history...
Unconscious Memory
A disillusioned and suicidal Rizal, a cross-dressing Bonifacio gripped with paranoia, an ex-Katipunero who joins the US army to save his own neck,...
Historiographika Errata
We will witness how an 85yr old woman, Nang Em, from Cebu survived alone through all of these walls that push you away in these times of Quarantine...
Nang Em