A tragicomic anthology film that weaves together stories of resilience and connection in a city on the brink. In the heart of Hamburg, the discovery...
A man sees the dark side of the time-manipulating biotech company he works for when a crushing debt forces his wife to give up 40 years of her own...
Bibi and Tina welcome three new vacation guests to Martinshof. They call themselves Disturber, Silence and Spooky and they are simply different:...
Bibi & Tina - Einfach anders
Red carpet, spotlights, screaming fans, photo- graphers chasing for the best photo, camera teams waiting for interviews - a premiere is about to take...
Love Thing
An anonymous suicide threat shared on social media causes turmoil at a school. For the students, their parents and the teachers, a race against time...
Von uns wird es keiner sein