The story revolves around Bebe (Santiago Bal) and Cacho (Tristan), two typical neighborhood boys who live different misfortunes in their constant...
¿Los piolas no se casan…?
A born soccer player leaves his town and his family to become a professional footballer. He has stardom, money, and a beautiful model, but realizes...
He nacido en la ribera
Jealousy and rivalries in a newly married artist couple.
Married and miss
The head of a criminal gang has all the power among his men until one decides to testify against him.
The Boss
Family adventure/comedy from Argentina.
The Super Super Adventure
A strange group of people steals a bank.
El asalto
The people of a village think that the man that lives alone in a remote castle is a vampire and the responsible for the death of several young women....
La pesadilla
Tabloid journalists muddy the waters during the investigation of the murder of an Argentine senator.
Edición extra
Following his mother`s death, wise son Sebastian attempts to organise dad Nestor to cope with basic household chores. Sebastian shows Nestor how to...
Unpredictable Guy
Delito de corrupción
The action occurs in Abasto Market in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A grown up single woman marries a mafia man who promised her he would change. After...
Mercado de abasto
The young and inexperienced godson of a millionaire falls for a singer who is married. The millionaire opposes the relationship because he feels a...
Extraña ternura
The plot of the film focuses on the decline of a long-time footballer at Club Boca Juniors. A player who does not change colors and can not conceive...
Leather Ball
The attraction and rejection that alternate within a couple.
Tú me enloqueces
To avoid imprisonment, a woman pretends to be crazy after killing the man who blackmailed her sister.
La simuladora
An old boat is a silent witness of how the lives of the characters on board are fleetingly intertwined on a predetermined day.
The boat, the river and the people
Economic difficulties separating a young couple who, after the attempt to survive, decide to meet again.
Del brazo y por la calle
Buenos Aires, Argentina, New Year's Eve. Several people are trapped inside an elevator located in an office building.
Una jaula no tiene secretos
The attitudes of different people to the fact of going to the movies.
Saturday Night, Cinema
In a town that relies heavily on horses, two men try to get rich by patenting and selling bags that hold the animals' body waste.
The Big Business
A late pregnancy disrupts the routine of a mature marriage.
El andador
A former German soldier leads a team through a bank robbery that doesn't turn out the way anybody expected.
Asalto en la ciudad
A waiter, a notary, a policeman and some gravediggers leave everything to go and watch their favorite football team play.
Pasión dominguera
Dos basuras
A long-distance bus is assaulted, and in the tragic event the wife and son of a well-known lawyer die. After three months of rest, he leaves the...
Obsesión de venganza
A dumb representative of a famous actor gets involved with a gang of gangsters.
Cosa De Locos
Three stories where optimism triumphs: a television director finds a new mother for his children, an old couple of artists deal with a sentimental...
Esto es alegría
Canuto Cañete y los 40 ladrones
A village doctor is involved in a shady business.
El Diablo metió la pata
Fiebre de primavera
A romantic teen comedy about the rivalry between an Agrentinian man and a young American for the love of a beautiful girl from a rich family.
My First Girlfriend
Ya tiene comisario el pueblo
A police officer joins a gang of smugglers to try to unmask its members.
Alberto, an employee of a car dealership, is commissioned by his boss to deliver a car that has been sold to a customer. Being a luxury car, he has...
Los doctores las prefieren desnudas
A famous singer must spoil the evil plans of an international crime organization.
Operation Rosa Rosa